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19. 1 SONOS One op statief
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
17. Statief met 5 ballen
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
16. Statief met div. gewichten en kettlebells
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
13. Wandkast met accessoires
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
12. DOG SLED – Gewichtsleden
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
11. Spinningfiest
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
3. ATLANTIS Krachtstation
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
15. Boxzak zwart
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
14. Wandkast met accessoires
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
5. Statief met 19 diverse ROGUE gewichten
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
2. ATLANTIS Krachtstation
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
Brand: Hidromek
Type: HMK230LCH4
Serial no: HMKH3450P0K134939
Year of construction: 2020
Hour meter read: 4876 hours
Number of keys: 0
Vehicle documents: None
The excavator starts without a key!
Suspected leak at the bottom!
Brand: Hidromek
Type: HMK230LCH4
Serial no: HMKH3450P0K134939
Year of construction: 2020
Hour meter read: 4876 hours
Number of keys: 0
Vehicle documents: None
The excavator starts without a key!
Suspected leak at the bottom!
Staat van het voorwerp dient ter plaatsen geinspecteerd te worden!
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
385 / 396 van total: 977